This 24-page tale tells about 24 hours in the life of 24-year-old Jason. It’s a “24-Hour Comic”, which are made according to the rules of an long-running creative challenge: to create a 24-page comic from scratch in just 24 hours.
When I made this in November 2014, I took the “24-hour” theme to the limit, with each page representing one hour in a single day, including dream sequences to cover the otherwise-boring night-time hours.
I don’t do a lot of revisions to a comic after I finish it, but I’ve been doing a bit of “remastering” on these as I repost them, particularly with things like lettering. But this one, I’ve left it almost entirely unchanged since the day I wrote and drew it, trying to preserve it as a record of that exercise. I am not a fast artist, so finishing a page in just an hour was a challenge, and I took a lot of shortcuts, especially toward the end, when I was running behind schedule. So be it.

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