Thanks for reading this, the first in a long series of “JAQrabbit Tales”. This tale was originally published 10 years ago, on Labor Day 2014, and over the coming months – hell, years – I’ll be republishing the whole series, one every week!
There’s no such thing as a “typical” tale, but they will (almost) all feature our protagonist Jason A. Quest, who not-coincidentlly shares a name with the author. Many feature Jay, but these tales span decades of JAQ’s life, and no one sticks around for all of it (I’m sorry to report).
The art style will vary… I like to experiment, and to bring in other artists. The length will vary… the one after this is 1 page, the one after that is 13 pages. Some will include more sex… some will include less. Many will have better backgrounds. Different ages… because time passes. Different body types… because variety is the spice of life. The tone of the tales will vary… because life.
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