
Mixed Reception

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Back in olden days, before they freaked out about same-sex weddings, homophobes freaked out about same-sex couples attending weddings.

Early on when Jay and I were a couple, my father vetoed the idea of me exercising the “+1″ indicated on my invitation to a cousin’s wedding. “The in-laws wouldn’t understand,” he explained. No, Dad, they’re kinda backwards, but I’m pretty sure they would’ve understood. That was the problem.

But on a couple occasions, I received a “+1″ invitation that I knew was sincere: a friend wanted me to be there, and they wanted me to bring along someone to sit with and to hang out with at the reception (knowing that I needed that to be comfortable in a crowd of people)… even if it was a dude. And this one time, when I’d had probably a few too many drinks from the surprisingly open bar, Jay and I had a dance together. Which drew a… mixed reception.