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BDSM 101

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Birth date 1975. So do the math: everything’s perfectly legal here. (Plus, it’s drawings.)

A kinky perv doesn’t spring fully formed from his father’s forehead, like Athena. He needs to learn, and we learn by doing. Or at least trying it in the privacy and safety of our bedrooms. And yet … there are journeys of discovery that cannot be taken alone.

I’m trying out a slightly different drawing technique with this one. Instead of “inking” it* I just tightened up and darkened the “pencils” for a rougher look, to fit the subject of the tale. I enjoy experimenting with the medium of comix, and you’ll see that in some future tales. I have one done with photographic backgrounds, another done in stark black-gray-white, and so on. And I’ve recruited artists whose talents are well suited to certain stories to draw those for me.

Another example of playing with the medium is what I did with this page. It was originally just a standard 2:3 aspect page of 6 panels in 3 rows.  But that has the disadvantage of letting the reader see the last panel while still reading the earlier panels, which undercuts the “reveal”. However, with digital media, I can make the page any shape I want, so I rearranged the panels as you see them here. When the Tales get collected into book form, I can put them back and fit them on a single page.

*Not that I use ink: it’s all digital. But I normally use the traditional comix process of “penciling” things out, then going over them with smooth clean “ink” lines.

Next: “Cruising the Love Boat” part 1 (December 2010).